Feb 7, 2014
The rapid growth in unstructured information is transforming the entire enterprise IT stack, from the underlying infrastructure to the business software end users depend on to be productive. But while the journey to re-architect the data center is well under way, with the Hadoop distribution race already in full swing, the industry is only now beginning to deliver on the potential of Big Data applications, which Tresata CEO Abhi Mehta considers the next frontier of analytics.
“The value in the ecosystem sits really high up the stack, in what we call advanced analytics applications,” Mehta remarked in an interview on theCUBE last year. He predicts that within four years, the “massive race to zero in large parts of the historical data analytics stack where billions of dollars are currently being made” will shift spending to “the highest point of the stack in what we called analytics applications, predictive analytics software that works in Hadoop.” And Tresata isn’t the only vendor eyeing a slice of this rapidly emerging market.