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Tresata to kick off Hackathon CLT with all-night event Friday



blog-details-eye-slashApr 21, 2014


Adam O’Daniel
Finance Editor
Charlotte Business Journal

Big Data software firm Tresata and hundreds of hackers will pull an all-nighter in Charlotte this weekend for the second annual Hackathon CLT.

The hackathon — sponsored by Harris Teeter, Proctor & Gamble Co., Tresata, ettain group and Data Chambers — will begin Friday with a kickoff party at 6 p.m. at Packard Place. Hackers will work through the night to solve a business problem using data analytics and then present their work Saturday afternoon. Prizes of up to $4,000 will go to the winners.

The team-based competition is open free to Charlotte-area tech developers, designers, analysts and others who want to test and showcase their skills. Spectators also can attend the event for free.

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