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What Enterprise AI needs is ready data “at scale”


blog-details-userAbhishek Mehta

blog-details-eye-slashAug 14, 2024


AI has become an era defining term, despite little consensus on what it entails while paradoxically maintaining consensus on what it promises.

At the brink of a possible overplay and even as it seeks to avoid the disillusionment trough, AI is currently omnipresent.

What is missing though are breaking headlines on the realization of its promises, especially for & in enterprises.

Over the last 18 months, a lot of AI initiatives, while promising a lot, have failed to break out from embryonic experiments to enterprise capabilities that will actually help transform business.

The question is ‘why?’

What we observed across all the enterprises, industries, and use cases was a foundational missing element – AI-ready data.

While the ubiquity of cloud computing has allowed enterprises to easily experiment with gen AI, a lack of ‘ready data’ - at scale, enriched and inferred - needed to extract intelligence from AI (and even not AI) continues to be a significant constraint.

Interestingly, in the last 10 years, as both the cloud computing and data in the cloud industries have progressed, the capability to create ready to use data for the enterprise has actually regressed – since the amount of data, the systems that create it, and the rise of new data have only continued to multiply.

And the rise of Gen AI only adds to this issue – with many recent studies (including a recent Goldman Sachs report) now questioning whether the value generated from AI can justify the lofty valuations assigned to some of the early winners.

While we are definitely in the ‘glass is overflowing-ly half full” camp, the question we must ask ourselves (and we have at Tresata, for 10+ years now) is why does ready data, or the lack thereof, remain the constant constraint for enterprises realizing maximum value from rapid advances in technology.

And in this, every CFO and CEO has our empathy.

And while I may personally find it gratifying (nothing to do with my 2010 ‘data is the new oil’ proclamation) it is clear that irrespective of which technology s-curve shift we are in – the internet, big data or Gen AI – unless we fix the fundamental issues handicapping the use of data for/in/by the enterprise, the expected results from these ‘shifts’ will be middling at best.

The key to Enterprise AI is ready data, at scale.

Image Source – Image features data generated art from @refikanadol