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VISION: new york, boston, atlanta – tresata fall speaking engagements


blog-details-userBrittany Box

blog-details-eye-slashSep 10, 2013


we’re excited to be participating in some upcoming events…we love these as we get to share our passion for all things big data…and hearing live feedback which is typically pretty roaring!! tweet us  @tresata if you’ll be at any of these too!

september 11, 2013 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm, new york city
beyond the buzzword: the real impact of big data on the payments industry

october 15-16, 2013, westin copley square, boston
agc partners’ 10th annual east coast technology growth conference

thursday, October 24 10:45 am, atlanta
the research board cio meeting

AND…if you’d like a member of our team to come speak at your big data event, feel free to email us at